Sunday, 28 July 2013

Aliens APC 1/72 Scratch Building and Kit Bashing!

Halcyon released the legendary Aliens 1/72 Dropship and a 1/35 APC during the 1980s, but it did not come along an APC at the scale of 1/72. Previously Aoshima had their Die-cast version of 1/72 Dropship and APC, they looked gorgeous however without the possibility of customizing the scale model interior!

Remember this one?

Hey, why not recreating an 1/72 APC from scratch building? Many customization possibilities can be done such as adding a tiny interior to the APC and rework the bay of the original dropship. With many tools of scale conversion available from the iPhone and iPad, we managed to reproduce a 1/72 drawing by referring from the 1/35 version, though it was not actually very accurate matching the movie version, but the geometrical features might closely resemble the APC 577 outlook!

This is how it goes with the WIP... still a long way to go :D

Yeah more to come! (Are there more to come from Ridley Scott and James Cameron?)

Hobby Reina

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Seal Team Six or Act of Valor? 1/35 Modern Special Forces Operators (Evolution Miniatures)

These probably would be some of the finest detailed figurines we have ever seen in 1/35 scale. The level of artistry is pretty incredible looking at the attention given at the resin figurine sculpted by Sergey Trviansky (Menelay). Thanks to him and the team from Evolution Miniatures for the hard work to reproduce this series of "U.S. Special Forces Operator(s)".

We hope to see more artworks from Meneley 
at 1/35 scale that can be fitted to many of the potential projects, it will be either a nightmare or heaven of paintjob process for modelers who want high amount of details in dioramas!

PS: If possible, we hope to bring more up-closed images of the real thing :):)

Hobby Reina

Zaku MS-06R-2 Experiment, work in progress of scale model paint and weathering

The zaku MS-06 series could be one of the most built science fiction subjects, looking at the popularity of the Gundam genre animations that began since 1979. The mobile suit machine Zaku brlongs to the Principality of Zeon based on the storyline. The concept of a mobile suit mechanism is that the machine can extend the agility of a pilot to a very large scale of machanical capability output.

We would like to share one of the scale model weathering experiment of the science fiction mechanical/AFV subject MS-06R-2, hope you enjoy it :D The team work was done by Miller See, Haireena, Ping. The kit was built from the Bandai Mastergrade 1/100 unit, scratched photo etch parts were put in place in for adding some great taste of realism to the vignette. Presier figures at 1/100 were used to give a sense of scale.

Thanks to our friends José Brito, Hazrin, Shawn, Derek, Lin for some of their inspirations and input during the work-in-progress.

Click images for LARGER VIEW :)

Once scale model is ready for weathering, a clear coat has to be applied in order to protect the paint job. Something worth to mention during the progress, the Bandai plastic appears to be very sensitive to thinner solution. Excessive use of thinner being applied on the model kit can result unexpected crack on some plastic surface (as of the 1/100 MG Zaku kit as we experienced), this usually does not happen on model kits from other manufacturers. However, careful usage with suitable amount of thinner does not have this issue at all. The "Mig Productions Thinner for Washes" are used together with the application of Pigments. The Mig Productions Sand & Earth Pigment Set (P228) has allowed earth toned pigments being applied easily, recreating a dusting and worn effect on the subject. Once pigments are applied, Abteilung 502 Oilset Vehicle Weathering and Effects(ABT320) has been surprisingly effective to add many weathering details such as mild rusting look on engine compartments and mechanical surfaces.

More WIP before the weathering process took place. The paint are mainly airbrushed by Tamiya Acrylics and some can sprays. Experimenting on weathering can be really fun and enjoyable when seeing the desired results :)

More excitement to share again in next project!

Hobby Reina